Its a common requirement that we have to keep backup and restore data/indexes of solr. Although latest versions of solr makes life a lot easier. I will explain how to do it in solr 4.x, taking simplest use case.
Recently, i got a task where licensing was required to be added. I have done such tasks using ant in the past but this time I was supposed to use maven.

Recently, i got a task where licensing was required to be added. I have done such tasks using ant in the past but this time I was supposed to use maven. Some quick search made it clear that maven provides a plugin to do such activities but the documentation was not upto the mark (or i can say it was a bit confusing or too generic). To save other people from such situation I am going to demonstrate it using a simple example.

Lets suppose you want to have licensing information given below in all java files of your project:

 * Copyright (C) 2014 My Coaching Company. All rights reserved This software is the confidential
 *  and proprietary information of My Coaching Company. You shall not disclose such confidential
 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you 
 * entered into with My Coaching Company.

Here are steps to do so:

1. Create a txt file named License.txt and place it in parallel with pom.xml and make sure that your license file should not contain comments like /** ... */. It should look like,

 Copyright (C) 2014 My Coaching Company. All rights reserved This software is the confidential      and proprietary information of My Coaching Company. You shall not disclose such confidential        information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered    into with My Coaching Company.
2. Add following snippet to pom.xml


3. Now add plugin configuration for adding license to java files in maven project,

<!-- License information -->

4. Now you are all set to fire the command 
     mvn license:format
 This will add license information on top of java code.

Note: If you have projects under subproject something like
 project ---|
                 | --> sub-project
                 | --> sub-project2

then you are required to add following snippet into the pom.xml of sub-projects:


I hope this should help lots of developers around. This is one of the most simple usage of this plugin for more please refer to the official site.


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1.       Do not repeat yourself (DRY) – check if you have added something to CPD reports. CPD can be easily taken from tools like PMD.

2.       Take care about methods:

·         Do not create methods for “side effects”. They can drive you crazy in case of bugs.
Around two years back I was introduced to some concepts like Big Data, Distributed Computing, NoSQL and Guava api. This lead to my introduction to the term “Functional Programming”.
Functional programming, in its “purest” sense, is rooted in how functions, variables, and values actually work in mathematics, which is different from how they typically work in most programming languages.
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