Multithreading has always been an area of interest for most
of the developers. They have been trying hard to find out the most optimal
strategy to solve this problem. In the past various attempts have been made to
standardize such solutions. Especially with the rise of new problem domains
like Big Data, real time analytics etc. new challenges have been introduced. One
of the steps taken in this direction was work (great work) by “Doug Lea”,
available to us in form of concurrency framework (JSR 166).
As, now we have started distinguishing between concurrency
and parallelism. These are different strategies and a number of frameworks are
available in market, which enable us to achieve the same. While making such choice,
we can benefit a lot if we also know about their internal implementation
details. In this article we will explore some of the well-established options
available for thread pooling/sharing in jvm. Also, with the availability of
multicore processors new issues have crept up. Developers have started to think
and exploit “mechanical
sympathy” to gain performance from superior hardware.
In my opinion, following are the main mechanisms that are
currently wide spread when we start discussing about thread pooling:
1. Thread pools available in Executor framework
2. Ring Buffer concept by LMAX
3. Actor (event) based implementations
2. Ring Buffer concept by LMAX
3. Actor (event) based implementations
options under Concurrency framework:
of all, I would personally disagree with the widespread term threadpool and instead
would term it as a worker queue. In a nutshell, all different kinds of pooling
options available in executor framework are based on some kind of sequential
data structure like array or queue (blocking or non-blocking) for example
ConcurrentLinkedQueue, ArrayBlockingQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue etc. Their
Documentation reveals that they are meant to be used under different
circumstances but their underlying fact/data structure has same property i.e.,
sequential insertion and traversal.
Delay introduced in thread creation is reduced.
By proper tuning of thread count, we can address
resource thrashing.
can be used in rendering applications and server applications to improve
response time. Using thread pool might
seem as acceptable solution but these suffer from fundamental flaw i.e.,
sequential contention. Here
is a good discussion on some pooling options available under concurrency
framework in java.
(Ring Buffer):
Developers at LMAX tried to address this issue of sequential
contention with disruptor framework based upon data structure called “ring
buffer”. It is a way of sending messages between threads in the most efficient
manner possible. It can be used as an alternative to a queue, but it also
shares a number of features with SEDA and Actors. Putting messages into the Disruptor is a 2-phase process, first a
slot is claimed in the ring buffer, which provides the user with the Entry that
can be filled with the appropriate data. Then the entry must be committed, this
2-phase approach is necessary to allow for the flexible use of memory mentioned
above. It is the commit that makes the message visible to the consumer threads.
Figure below depicts the data structure ring buffer (core of disruptor).
achieves very low latency and high throughput on multicore platforms even if
threads are sharing data and passing across messages.
makes it so unique is its lock and contention free architecture. It doesn’t
even employ CAS or memory barriers. For more details about this, here is a good
and official website. One
of the shortcomings (not actually a drawback) of using disruptor is, you need
to upfront tell disruptor about the approximate number of threads application
will need to complete the task.
of the powerful alternatives of traditional thread pooling mechanisms is based
on event model. Event based thread
polling/pooling/scheduling mechanism is very common in functional programming
space. One of the very popular implementation of this concept is actor based
systems, where “Akka” has become the de-facto standard.
are very lightweight concurrent entities. They process messages asynchronously
using an event-driven receive loop. Pattern matching against messages is a
convenient way to express an actor's behavior. They raise the abstraction level
and make it much easier to write, test, understand and maintain concurrent
and/or distributed systems. You focus on workflow—how the messages flow in the
system—instead of low level primitives like threads, locks and socket IO. One
thread can be assigned multiple or single actor only, both models can be
exploited as per choice.
of the benefits of using actor based system like akka are:
- · Encapsulation
- · Supervision
- · Configurable execution
- · Location transparency
- · Re-try mechanism
Note: Debugging an
actor based system could be challenging.
The Disruptor uses a 1 thread - 1 consumer model, where
Actors use an N:M model i.e. you can have as many actors as you like and they
will be distributed across a fixed numbers of threads (generally 1 per core),
otherwise actor model is very close to disruptor; specially when used for batch
Also, my initial search on internet revealed that there are
contributions in open source space towards benchmarking such options on jvm.
One such option is ExecutorBenchmark.It
is an open-source test framework for parallelizable
tasks. It is written in Scala, and can be used with Java and Scala loads.
In nutshell, evolving software and hardware
industry has presented us new challenges but also has given us a wide range of
solutions to make our applications more responsive and fault resistant. For
unpredictable and small number of threads we recommend use of pooling mechanisms
available in concurrency framework (part of jdk). For large number of similar
sized tasks, we recommend use of disruptor. Disruptor has slight learning curve
but benefits gained in terms of performance and scalability over run the cost
of time invested. In case our application requires some sort of re-try
mechanism or supervision and distributed nature of tasks, I recommend use of
“Actor” model (Akka). Although decisions might also get influenced by other
factors like, for a distributed application you might choose something like map
reduce or fork/join model or some custom implementation.
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